Smart Gas Leak Detection

Prosentry's Smart Gas Leak Detection Service

Reduce Risks, Improve Response, Elevate Outcomes

ProSentry’s smart gas leak detection solution is the safest, simplest, and most cost-effective way to protect your building and its community from gas leaks and shutdowns with proactive and life-saving technology. Designed for optimized detection and response at the earliest sign of a gas leak, our industry-leading solution is critical to safeguarding the safety and success of the buildings and all those who live and work inside.

Comply with Local Law 157 Safely, Simply, and Cost Effectively

New York’s Local Law 157 requires gas leak detection citywide by May 2025. ProSentry’s smart gas leak detection solution is the only monitored solution with a 10-year battery life that complies. The difference between unmonitored and monitored gas leak detection is crucial to quick and effective response that could mean the difference in preventing a gas shutdown.

The Difference Between Basic and Smart Gas Leak Detection

Unmonitored gas leak detection only sounds an alarm when the device detects gas, relying on residents to hear the alarm and notify the authorities - leading to slower response and greater risk to the building and its occupants. Monitored gas leak detection, like ProSentry’s smart solution, sounds a local alarm and also notifies the building’s staff, the management team and/or the residents via live operator calls, including the precise location of the leak and continuous updates on the gas concentration - leading to fast and targeted response and a safer building overall.

ProSentry’s Comprehensive Building Monitoring Service

ProSentry streamlines cutting-edge technology into a practical and proactive approach that elevates efficiency, improves outcomes, and increases the satisfaction of building owners, managers, and tenants. Our comprehensive building monitoring, insight, and alert service includes:

Your Smart Sensors

Customizable smart sensor ecosystem delivers real time detection for critical issues.

Your Platform Access

Personalized dashboard on the ProSentry Platform gives remote access to streamlined sensor data.

Your Instant Alerts

Instant and specific alerts including text, email, app, and live operator calls enable quick response.

Your Ongoing Protection

Comprehensive building monitoring services reduce risk and bring peace of mind to stakeholders.

How It Works: Your Quick Start Guide

ProSentry’s solution connects a wireless smart sensor ecosystem to our Smart Building Platform via an autonomous LoRaWAN network for round-the-clock detection. Designed for seamless building-wide integration in commercial and multi-unit properties, getting started with industry-leading detection is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Contact ProSentry to schedule a free building survey and discuss your building’s needs.

Customize your building-wide sensor ecosystem with industry-leading smart gas leak detection.

Connect your smart sensor ecosystem to the ProSentry Platform via your autonomous LoRaWAN network

Scalable, Smart Solutions 
for Risk Mitigation

Your smart gas leak detection solution is integrated with ProSentry’s Smart Building Platform, streamlining sensor data into one central dashboard for reduced risk and elevated response. Our platform makes scalability and customizable integration with our full scope of smart sensor solutions simple – including water leak detection, mechanical malfunctions and environmental monitoring, and more.

With a comprehensive and proactive approach to smart building solutions, ProSentry delivers Risk Mitigation as a Service - enabling building management to prevent and respond to risks before they escalate. Transform your property performance with elevated safety, savings, and simplicity via our full scope of smart sensors.

Make Your Building Smarter and Safer with ProSentry

Safeguard, streamline, and save with a smart gas leak detection customized to your building’s needs, now and in the future. Our team of gas leak detection experts are here to find the right smart monitoring solution for your building. Request a proposal.

Request a Proposal