Point of Leak Water Leak Detection is Key to Improving Insurability

ProSentry’s automated system of smart LoRaWAN sensors and proactive technology is key to improving insurability and bringing practical solutions to commercial and multi-tenant properties.

September 11, 2023
By ProSentry

The insurance industry is currently facing the most challenging market conditions in decades. As their reinsurance rates skyrocket, carriers are becoming increasingly selective in what exposures they will underwrite. Simply raising rates is no longer the solution to staying ahead of losses; loss prevention is key, and specifically, Point of Leak water leak detection which catches leaks as soon as they start.

ProSentry’s low-cost wireless smart building solution includes a building-wide risk prevention system delivering real-time monitoring via a loss prevention platform. As part of its solution, ProSentry provides Point of Leak water sensors for areas where leaks are likely to appear - including air conditioning fan-coil units, toilets, tubs, sinks, dishwashers, laundry equipment, and more. The ProSentry solution instantly notifies interested parties - such as building management, property owners, and tenants - so that immediate, preventative action can be taken. These smart sensors can also connect to automatic water valves, enabling prompt water source shutdown in the event of a leak.

In addition, to water leak detection, ProSentry also monitors for natural gas leaks, mechanical malfunctions, air quality, rodents, and more.

What makes ProSentry different? Traditional Wi-Fi based leak detection systems pose several challenges that ProSentry overcomes by employing a Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) enabled solution. Let’s take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Traditional/Wi-Fi systems vs. ProSentry/LoRaWAN:

ProSentry has created the first innovative system truly adoptable by the broader real-estate community. Thanks to its low-cost, intuitive platform and simple yet customizable notification center, ProSentry offers a new approach to building monitoring designed for proactivity.

ProSentry's live operator calls within the first minute of detection dramatically decrease the time it takes to respond to a leak and gives building staff the ability to contain water damage to a confined space. A quick and informed response ultimately results in reduced costs for remediation, as well as minimized property damage and losses. 

Automatic valves are a valuable addition to water detection systems. Water shutoff valves that rely on algorithms to determine unusual water usage can become frustrating. ProSentry’s automatic shutoff valves only respond to actual water leaks.

Implementing ProSentry’s solution will help buildings access competitive insurance coverage by reducing day-to-day risks while creating smart buildings throughout North and South America. As a result, properties experience less damage, while increasing property values for property owners as well as reduced risk for insurers.

By ProSentry

The insurance industry is currently facing the most challenging market conditions in decades. As their reinsurance rates skyrocket, carriers are becoming increasingly selective in what exposures they will underwrite. Simply raising rates is no longer the solution to staying ahead of losses; loss prevention is key, and specifically, Point of Leak water leak detection which catches leaks as soon as they start.

ProSentry’s low-cost wireless smart building solution includes a building-wide risk prevention system delivering real-time monitoring via a loss prevention platform. As part of its solution, ProSentry provides Point of Leak water sensors for areas where leaks are likely to appear - including air conditioning fan-coil units, toilets, tubs, sinks, dishwashers, laundry equipment, and more. The ProSentry solution instantly notifies interested parties - such as building management, property owners, and tenants - so that immediate, preventative action can be taken. These smart sensors can also connect to automatic water valves, enabling prompt water source shutdown in the event of a leak.

In addition, to water leak detection, ProSentry also monitors for natural gas leaks, mechanical malfunctions, air quality, rodents, and more.

View the Case Study

What makes ProSentry different? Traditional Wi-Fi based leak detection systems pose several challenges that ProSentry overcomes by employing a Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) enabled solution. Let’s take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Traditional/Wi-Fi systems vs. ProSentry/LoRaWAN:

ProSentry has created the first innovative system truly adoptable by the broader real-estate community. Thanks to its low-cost, intuitive platform and simple yet customizable notification center, ProSentry offers a new approach to building monitoring designed for proactivity.

ProSentry's live operator calls within the first minute of detection dramatically decrease the time it takes to respond to a leak and gives building staff the ability to contain water damage to a confined space. A quick and informed response ultimately results in reduced costs for remediation, as well as minimized property damage and losses. 

Automatic valves are a valuable addition to water detection systems. Water shutoff valves that rely on algorithms to determine unusual water usage can become frustrating. ProSentry’s automatic shutoff valves only respond to actual water leaks.

Implementing ProSentry’s solution will help buildings access competitive insurance coverage by reducing day-to-day risks while creating smart buildings throughout North and South America. As a result, properties experience less damage, while increasing property values for property owners as well as reduced risk for insurers.

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