Getting Ahead of Property Water Damage

ProSentry’s President & Co-Founder, John Rusk, explains how undetected water leaks can lead to mold and costly restorations and introduces ProSentry’s cost-effective solution.

July 12, 2023
With John Rusk, President & Co-Founder of ProSentry

Getting Ahead of Property Water Damage

In this video, ProSentry founder and president, John Rusk, explains how undetected water damage can lead to mold and costly restorations. Water-related losses in buildings have exponentially increased, leading insurance premiums to rise and resident dissatisfaction to grow when they incur costly losses and displacement. Water leaks often begin small and go on unnoticed. Whether from a running sink or leaky pipe, residents may be away and when they return, it’s too late. Water damage that persists for 48 hours results in mold. Mold remediation goes beyond the repair capabilities of the average building management team and expensive, third-party services must be obtained. While there are innovative advancements in this area, the most cost-effective and efficient solution is transforming the average multi-unit residential or commercial property into a smart building.

“Statics are showing that every year you have about a 3 percent chance of a water loss. Innovation in technology and approach allows us to create smart buildings that we know are safe and in control.”

— John Rusk

With John Rusk, President & Co-Founder of ProSentry

Getting Ahead of Property Water Damage

In this video, ProSentry founder and president, John Rusk, explains how undetected water damage can lead to mold and costly restorations. Water-related losses in buildings have exponentially increased, leading insurance premiums to rise and resident dissatisfaction to grow when they incur costly losses and displacement. Water leaks often begin small and go on unnoticed. Whether from a running sink or leaky pipe, residents may be away and when they return, it’s too late. Water damage that persists for 48 hours results in mold. Mold remediation goes beyond the repair capabilities of the average building management team and expensive, third-party services must be obtained. While there are innovative advancements in this area, the most cost-effective and efficient solution is transforming the average multi-unit residential or commercial property into a smart building.

View the Case Study

“Statics are showing that every year you have about a 3 percent chance of a water loss. Innovation in technology and approach allows us to create smart buildings that we know are safe and in control.”

— John Rusk

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