ProSentry’s President & Co-Founder, John Rusk, reveals how LoRaWAN enabled gas sensors paired with ProSentry’s wireless monitoring and detection system is becoming a new national gas standard for urban buildings.
Earlier this year, at the LoRa Alliance Conference in Orlando, Florida, ProSentry’s Founder, John Rusk, shared his expertise on natural gas monitoring and detection. He revealed the problems that unmonitored systems pose and ways in which they put tenants and building owners at risk. From pricey consequences costing hundreds of thousands–sometimes millions–of dollars in repairs, to lives lost in natural gas explosions. As a result, New York City has passed Local Law 157, declaring a new natural gas detection standard, which sets the stage for LoRaWAN implementation. This more efficient wireless solution provides first responders with critical gas leak information including an address, apartment number and the exact location of the leak. Additionally, LoRaWAN connected natural gas detection technology can easily be used to monitor other areas such as water leaks, air quality, rodent activity, smoking, open doors and more. This information–groundbreaking for building owners, managers and landlords–addresses three pain points faced by buildings: insurance, frustrated residents, and government legislation.
Earlier this year, at the LoRa Alliance Conference in Orlando, Florida, ProSentry’s Founder, John Rusk, shared his expertise on natural gas monitoring and detection. He revealed the problems that unmonitored systems pose and ways in which they put tenants and building owners at risk. From pricey consequences costing hundreds of thousands–sometimes millions–of dollars in repairs, to lives lost in natural gas explosions. As a result, New York City has passed Local Law 157, declaring a new natural gas detection standard, which sets the stage for LoRaWAN implementation. This more efficient wireless solution provides first responders with critical gas leak information including an address, apartment number and the exact location of the leak. Additionally, LoRaWAN connected natural gas detection technology can easily be used to monitor other areas such as water leaks, air quality, rodent activity, smoking, open doors and more. This information–groundbreaking for building owners, managers and landlords–addresses three pain points faced by buildings: insurance, frustrated residents, and government legislation.
Insights, innovations and updates from the ProSentry Knowledge Base
Explore the benefits of Smart gas sensors and how they enhance building safety. Learn how to choose and install your property's right gas detection system. Prepare for NYC's Local Law 157 gas detection compliance deadline.
Prepare for NYC's Local Law 157 gas detection compliance deadline. Learn requirements, benefits, and steps to ensure safety and cost savings for your building.
Explore the benefits of Smart gas sensors and how they enhance building safety. Learn how to choose and install your property's right gas detection system. Prepare for NYC's Local Law 157 gas detection compliance deadline.
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